My mom and a family friend were coming to watch me ride. Mom hasn't seen Toby since last Summer, so she was really excited about seeing our progress.
As usual, we started our lesson with leg yielding along the wall. This seems to engage and relax Toby. Again, Toby maintained his rhythm nicely, but he would occasionally try to take over. Half Halt - (My new best friend). Half halt, re-group and on we go.
We worked on lengthening and collecting within the leg yield. This went pretty well and helped to prevent Toby from taking over. I finally feel like I am starting to have some foresight.
Next we moved on to the canter. After Tuesday's ride, my confidence was way high so I asked if I could try cantering off the lunge line. My riding instructor said of course. But much to my surprise, she said we needed to use the whole arena.
I moved Toby out onto the rail and began rising trot. As we went into the short side, I prepared for the canter depart. Toby stepped right into the canter again this time, but he had to protest a little. We had a few bucks and then we went down the long side. As we approached the next turn, the inside aids went up against and Toby maintained his balance through the turn. We continued around the arena for a few rounds completely in balance. Not bad for the using the whole arena for the first time in about 6 months.
We reversed and worked the other direction much the same way. I still can't believe what a difference a week makes. WHAT AN AMAZING WEEK!!!
It's rides like this that keep us coming back for more, huh?

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