Thursday, March 31, 2011

An Epiphany

Have you ever hit a block with your horse that you just weren't sure how you were going to overcome? Well, I had hit that point with Toby. How were we going to get past his canter depart issues? And the trouble with his erratic mental state.

Ok, I've been riding Toby for almost 11 months. During that time, I have also been transitioning from the hunter world to Dressage. As a result, my focus has been on my riding skills and style.

After my mishap and vaulting experience last week and a week long layoff due to life getting in the way, I came to the realization that I have been focusing waaaaaay to too much on myself and not enough on my horse. So, when I returned to ride Toby yesterday, I took a different approach. Instead of worrying so much about putting this hand here and that hand there and this foot this way and the other that way, I decided to ride the way I know that I can and let the rest just fall into place. Surprisingly, it did.

Epiphany!! I was so worried about being perfect myself that I neglected to give Toby the psychological support that he needed. As a result, Toby willingly gave all of himself - sometimes exurburantly. Today, he was a calm and steady mount despite being in his stall for over a week.

We did our usual leg yields along the wall with ease. I even asked him for a leg yields on center line and much to my surprise he did it. And did it well. We did some trot, halt, trot transitions while maintaining contact. And turns on the forehand were not a fight. Yay!! It is truly amazing what a "Good Boy" and a pat on the neck will do.

My confidence was soaring. And apparently, so was Toby's. Before we finished, we had just one more demon to exorcise - Canter departs. Toby and I started at a nice rhythmical trot on the 20 meter circle. I sat a few strides, moved my outside foot back slightly, said a quick prayer and asked for the canter. WOW!!! A beautiful canter depart and well balanced canter. We moved to the rail and stayed upright in the corners. AWESOME!! Another pat and "Good Boy" and we were ready for the other side. Would it be a repeat of last week, now that he knows what we're doing? NOT ON YOUR LIFE. Toby again stepped right into the canter with no protest. WOO HOO. We are finished for the day with a giant hug, pat and "GOOOOOD BOY."

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